00 17/03/2018 17:31
Se non l'avete ancora visto il trailer della nuova edizione, lo trovate in questo link:

Ecco quello che sappiamo:

Zone deployment maps will continue to be used in the same way as Warhammer 40,000
Dice of ten faces , possibly as they were already used in Burning of Prospero
Points of Command continue to be used , but this time they are used in Tactics that Specialists get . They can achieve up to 4 levels of experience.
There are Deadly Wounds .
The regulation will be broad, exceeding 200 pages .
There is a new Exploration Phase .
It is very likely that there are multiplayer missions .
Ways of competitive and narrative game .
The competitive game only admits Level 1 Specialists.
The narrative campaigns have a series of resources ( intelligence , moral , ..) that affect the effectiveness of the Kill Teams.
There are veteran Kill Teams ( battle-forged ) so it is possible that in the same way as in the 8th edition Tactics can only be used in this type of Kill Teams. Otherwise, Kill Teams of various factions could be mounted as long as they share at least one keyword, for example and especially in the case of and , which are the most benefited.
The minis can be stunned or demoralized in “Checks of Nerves” .
It is possible to take several factions and choose which one to play with before each game.

Ok io sono per il gioco narrativo, ed il fatto che abbiano portato il gioco al dado 10 mi fa ben sperare.
Ovviamente è pur sempre un gioco GW, con i suoi se ed i suoi "ma non sarà mai perfettamente bilanciato"...

Le abilità ad albero sono poi molto interessanti e tolgono il vecchio sistema "casuale".

Restiamo in attesa e vediamo [SM=g27990]