00 14/03/2017 21:47
AKA Necromunda 2
In arrivo a breve la nuova versione di Necromunda, ma ambientata su un nuovo pianeta: Armageddon

Cosa si sa? Che contiene un intero edificio!

finora i rumors dati per certi sono:

Necromunda will re-released in a new reimagined edition.
Titled Armageddon Shadow Wars
Rules will be almost identical to the original.
Organized Play support will accompany the new game.
Unlike Killteam, there is a point-based system for buying your gang.
The game does NOT use the 40K rules, stats, etc at all.
The game will ship with 12 factions.
The core box will contain Blood Angels Marine Scouts and Orks

Secondo me come prezzo possiamo aggirarci ai classici 120€