00 10/06/2016 18:50
La Mantic annuncia a breve nuova edizione anche per Dreadball (non l'Xtreme, che è un regolamento a se).

Ci sarà un kickstarter e per ora queste le novità/promesse:

The new edition update will address:

Enhanced Game Play – Faster to play, simpler to learn and easier to collect, the new edition will streamline 6 seasons worth of rules, FAQ and errata without losing any of the soul of original DreadBall.
A New League System – built from the ground up, offering unprecedented options for team building
Improvements based on your feedback – Reworking Jacks, Giants and MVPs to become central to the game are high on our priority list!
Balanced Teams – each team will have a unique play-style and will be fairly balanced for competitive gaming.
And more!