00 24/05/2014 19:13
meravigliosa precisazione su cosa contiene cosa:

Starter packs contents

The Council starter pack

1x Tactical officer equipped with machine gun.
3x Fusilier. Three different models equipped with battle rifle.
1x Manticore equipped with machine gun.
1x Phantom equipped with sniper rifle.
[One weapon set is included to change in one Fusilier its battle rifle with a machine gun]

Uruhvel starter pack

1x Matriarch equipped with cannon support.
3x Vanguard. Three different models equipped with assault rifle.
1x Aegeon equipped with missile launcher.
1x Undaunted equipped with poison blade and flamethrower.
[One weapon set is included to change in one Vanguard its assault rifle with a cannon support ]

Type A addons:

All type A addons are a blister with one of the following miniatures:

Tactical officer with machine gun.
Manticore with machine gun.
Manticore with grenade launcher.
Phantom with sniper rifle.
Fusilier with machine gun.
Command with assault rifle.
Command equiped with shot gun.
Matriarch with cannon support.
Aegeon with missile launcher.
Aegeon with cannon support.
Undaunted with poison blade and flamethrower.
Undaunted equipped with howl.
Vespidae with assault rifle.
Type B addons:

Manticore exclusive edition

One exclusive edition female Manticore with grenade launcher.
TypeC addons:

Fusiliers Pack

One Fusilier with battle rifle. Can be choosen between the three models included in the starter pack.
One fusilier with machine gun.
Vanguards Pack

One Vanguard with assault rifle. Can be choosen between the three models included in the starter pack.
One Vanguard with cannon support .
Calamity - eradicator

One Calamity with eradicator.
Calamity - missile launcher

One Calamity with missile launcher.
Type D addons:


One Dragon equipped with a machine gun, a heavy grenade launcher or a blaster cannon at your choice.
Type E addons:

Starter pack

One starter pack at your choice.
Uruhvel support pack

One Calamity equipped with eradicator or one Calamity equipped with missile launcher.
One Vanguard with cannon support .
One Aegeon with cannon support .
Undaunted equipped with howl.
Type G addons:

Titan pack

One Dragon equipped with a machine gun, a heavy grenade launcher or a blaster cannon at your choice.
One Dragon equipped with a machine gun, a heavy grenade launcher or a blaster cannon at your choice.
Reinforcement pack

One Dragon equipped with a machine gun, a heavy grenade launcher or a blaster cannon at your choice.
Manticore with grenade launcher.
Phantom with sniper rifle.
Fusilier with machine gun.

Io & Fusto partecipiamo sicuramente al KS, scade tra 22 giorni per cui direi che se qualcuno vuole aggregarsi ha ben 3 settimane per pensarci!

Le spedizioni ci saranno dette a KS finito (dipende dal peso del pacco finale) però per i costi:
starter 18£
type a 5£
type b 7£
type c 9£
type d 15 £
type e 23 £