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The Games Rebels

programmi 2015

  • Messaggi
    Post: 6.027
    Città: URGNANO
    Età: 45
    Sesso: Maschile
    10 04/08/2015 12:35

    Hi guys, as you can see we completed the release of our mongol heavy cavalry and we are working on more resin releases.
    This 2015 will be our resin year: we will do only resin releases with some add-on as accessories in hard plastic (as the lance/pike/spear kit).
    We would like to make monthly releases in resin.
    At the moment between august (no summer holydays for us :P ) and september we will release Crusader Archers and Arab Armoured Archers blister pack. In our intention they will have 6 figures in resin and they will have a lower price than metal models made by others (and we hope you will like also our more modern design for these figures).
    We are still working on new Deus Vult releases, as army lists (we are working on 4 new army lists, not more the 2 we announced in past, and obiuvsly there are mongols in) and maybe a christmas/early 2016 new project.

    That's our work until december and we hope you will like it and continue to support us :)

    arcieri in resina è molto interessante! E magari anche il nuovo progetto [SM=g27990]
    Post: 6.027
    Città: URGNANO
    Età: 45
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 09/08/2015 19:45
    ecco gli arcieri crociati in pre-ordine!

    le teste sono separate!

    6 modelli in resina 10,50€

    Tra l'altro ho scoperto che hanno anche dei pacchi di lance (da 4,5, 6 e 8 cm), 24 lance 5€.