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KoW Vanguard

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 12/02/2018 20:06
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Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
09/10/2017 06:44

Per ora sappiamo solo questo:

Hei! Ma quei demoni sono nuovi [SM=g27990]
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
13/10/2017 21:21

ok, che ci fosse gente paladinica si era capito, o no?
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
16/10/2017 18:25

Vi rimando alla primissima presentazione ufficiale!

Riassumendo al massimo: in arrivo skirmish per Kings of war! Però dimenticatevi delle città in rovina dei giochi dei concorrenti, qui stiamo parlando delle schermaglie tra le avanguardie delle armate (di KoW).

Come per Warpath, anche qui i giochi devono essere incrociabili per cui i modelli avranno le stesse basette quadrate di KoW (e quindi stesse armate e stessa versatilità!).

A breve aspettiamoci il Kickstarter dove sicuramente ci sarà Basilea [SM=g27990]
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
17/10/2017 18:07

di oggi invece la scheda dei personaggi:

NAME – if they’re a named character, this will be their name, e.g. Grekle Cacklemaster, or if they’re a standard miniature it’ll be the name of the unit.
RACE/TYPE – first up you can see what Race the model is. The model’s Race is also a keyword that may interact with other rules, e.g. a unit could receive a bonus when attacking a Race they particularly despise. Next, models will be one (or more) of the following Types: Grunt, Warrior, Support, Command, Spellcaster, and Large. Type is important when building a Warband and, once again, the Type is a keyword that may interact with other rules.
POINTS – this is how many points it costs to add the model to your warband.
STATS – this is where you can find all the stats for the model.
Speed (SP)

This value shows the distance the model can move in inches.

Ranged (Ra)

This is the target number the model needs to roll to hit a target when using a Ranged attack, typically as part of a Shoot or Cast action.

Melee (Me)

This is the target number the model needs to roll to hit an opponent when making a Melee attack.

Armour (Ar)

This is the target number a model needs to roll to avoid taking damage and suffering wounds.

Nerve (Ne)

This is the target number for any Nerve tests the model needs to take. This will come into play if the Warband is broken or if something unnerving happens.

Wounds (Wn)

This shows the number of wounds the model can suffer before it is removed from play as a casualty. The larger the number, the more resilient (or stupid!) the model is.

Height (H)

The height of a model affects how it interacts with other models and terrain for line of sight and visibility of targets.

5. SPECIAL RULES – here you can see any special rules the model has. Some of these will be similar to those seen in Kings of War, while others will be completely new.

6. POWER DICE – this indicates how many Power Dice the model generates. The Power Dice work a little like the Command Dice in Deadzone and we’ll have a closer look at Power Dice in a future blog.

7. RANGED & MELEE – this shows how many D8s the model rolls during combat. That’s right, we’ll be using D8s for Vanguard, rather than standard D6s. Even better we’ve got exploding D8s during combat to help create some crazy cinematic moments.

8. EQUIPMENT – equipment will play a large part in Vanguard, as warbands uncover and buy new items during a campaign. Some models will come equipped with weapons/items as standard and they’ll be listed here.

9. SPELLS – spellcasters will have their spells listed here. We’ll be expanding the number of spells available, compared to Kings of War. Also, you may notice it says (short) after the spell name. Just like Deadzone, models will be able to perform two short actions or one long action. Some spells will be long actions, while others will be short. What’s more you’ll be able to boost spells to make them more powerful. As spellcasters gain experience in a campaign, they will also get the chance to learn new spells from an advanced spellbook or faction-specific magic.

10. SPECIAL ABILITIES and RULES – if the model has any special abilities they’ll be listed here. Special Abilities use the Power Dice mentioned earlier, so we’ll go into specifics in a future blog.

Ok sembra proprio la versione fantasy di Deadzone! [SM=g27989]
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
18/10/2017 19:12

Ogni giorno qualche news!
Un piccolo chiarimento su cosa siano i dadi comando (che piacciono tanto in Deadzone 2.0, si ricorda che per tutto il resto si usano dadi 8!):

Just in case you’ve never played Deadzone before, Command Dice are six-sided dice you roll before each round. Each face has a symbol on, which represents a special move you can pull off during the game, e.g. moving an extra character, adding an extra dice to combat rolls, etc. The reason we like the Command Dice is that they represent the chaos of battle. Sometimes orders simply don’t get through properly so no one is clear what they should be doing but then the next minute your commander can be rallying the troops with their inspirational leadership.

During one of our playtest sessions we started to use the Walking Dead dice and they were much better than the original Deadzone dice. But why?

Leaders/support characters actually generate the power dice during the course of the game, so having three different colours gives us more options for having powerful characters that generate one blue dice, compared to weaker characters that only generate one red dice, for example
Different abilities can now cost more than one power to use, as you’ll potentially be rolling a lot more successes
During a campaign characters can level up their dice from red to white and then blue or gain more dice to roll
You’ll always be able to use your power and should never have a ‘wasted’ result that you can’t spend during your turn

So, now that you understand how we came up with the concept of Power Dice, how will you spend them during the game?

Extra model activation – Vanguard has alternating activations but you can spend power to activate an extra model
Extra dice – you can add an extra dice to Shoot, Cast, Armour Save or Melee rolls
Forcing/clearing Fatigue – this is something we’ll be covering in the blog tomorrow…
Group actions – oooh, another tease for a mechanic that we’ll be covering in a future blog
Use special abilities – power is required to use a model’s special ability or the wider Warband special ability. The amount of power required is shown in brackets after the ability, e.g. Cackle! (1)

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
19/10/2017 18:48

Di oggi invece l'introduzione della fatica (oltre alla sorellina scout!):

From the start of development on Vanguard we liked the idea of having some kind of ‘fatigue’ mechanic. In other words, we wanted to create a rule where characters could push themselves a little more in order to perform one last action before they collapse in a heap due to exhaustion.

Initially we had a concept for each model to be given command points and each unit would have a limit to the amount of command points they could be given. If you went over this amount, then the character would become fatigued and you could only give them one command in the next turn. However, it quickly became clear that command points were a little fiddly and didn’t bring much to the game.

After dropping the command points, we looked at the Deadzone mechanic of short and long actions. Each model can be given two short actions or one long action. This was a much simpler way to handle activations and ensures you don’t require lots of tokens to indicate the number of command points a unit has been given. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
20/10/2017 20:11

anche nella versione fantasy ci sono le attivazioni di gruppo!

Participating in a Group Action replaces a model’s normal activation for the Turn. You cannot activate a single model, move it to join a group and then attempt a Group Action involving the model, for example. The common Group Actions available include:

GROUP DEFENCE – the members of the group each make a Walk and then a Brace action. Just in case you’re wondering what a Brace action is, it increases the model’s armour value by one and is normally a long action.

GROUP SHOOT – the group members all either Walk then Shoot, or Shoot then Walk. If Shooting is a long action for any model in the group, that model may not Walk as part of the Group Action. All members of the group must have a ranged weapon or spell to use.

GROUP CHARGE – spend the Power to nominate a group and activate them together. Models in the group may already be engaged (in which case they will not move, nor get any charge bonuses). Only the group leader needs to have LOS to the initial charge target. Models charging after the first has made contact, must charge either the same model another member of the group already has (or is already engaged with), or a target within 3” of a model a group member has engaged. Declare the targets and then move all the attacking models first, before resolving their Melee attacks in the order you wish.

So, there you have the basics behind Group Actions. Tactically they’re very useful during the game for giving you bonuses in combat (something we’ll cover in a future blog) but also for mixing up the order of activations. Just like Deadzone, the player who finished activating first in a round, gets to activate first in the following round. By using Group Actions you can actually have more models than your opponent but still finish your activations first. This can give you the tactical advantage of going first in the following round.

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
20/10/2017 20:45

mi dimenticavo una cosa importante, la data del KS: 1 novembre!
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
24/10/2017 19:49

mentre continuano le illustrazioni di quelle che sono palesamente le due fazioni iniziali...

molti giocatori hanno sollevato il dubbio della linea di vista e delle basette quadrate (scelta fatta per poter usare i modelli sia in Vanguard che in KoW), ed ecco la semplice risposta della Mantic alla linea di vista che surclassa 1:100 i vecchi sistemi che usavano basette quadrate

Attacchi da dietro? Guadagni Piercing (1) o Crushing Strength (1), easy!
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
26/10/2017 18:29

Ovviamente, per questo genere di giochi, tutto è incentrato sulle campagne e sulla possibilità di crescita dei propri modelli, ma non tutti!
I "grunt" saranno i più economici ma non potranno crescere durante la campagna e mentre i "warrior" potranno salire fino al 2° livello, tutti gli altri modelli (chissà cosa saranno) potranno salire fino al 5° livello.
Per ora sappiamo solo che i lanciatori di incantesimi potranno imparare nuovi incantesimi!

Sappiamo anche cosa succederà tra una partita e l'altra:

1) Return Equipment to the Supplies Caravan
2) Resolve Casualties
3) Retinue Assessment
4) Resolve Experience
5) Calculate Campaign Gold
6) Forage & Explore
7) Recruitment and Resupply
8) Check roster is fully updated

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
27/10/2017 18:44

basta disegni! Vai di renders!

E per chi volesse: alpha rules! (cliccate sull'immagine per scaricare l'archivio zippato

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
01/11/2017 20:33

KS partito e durerà solo 16 giorni!
Un unico livello disponibile a 85$

le due bande disponibili sono queste:

Come add-ons ci sono ulteriori bande, per ora solo queste due, per 45$ l'una. Per cui degli 85$ del pledge, 45 sono per la banda ed i restanti 40 sono tra libro, token, mat ed elementi scenici.
NB: Spedizioni per novembre 2018!
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
03/11/2017 15:04

aggiunto pledge interessante:

e come add-.ons warband per ogni esercito esistente (personalmente poco interessante):

Peccato che non si possa prendere regolamenti multipli [SM=g27990]
Post: 5.481
Età: 47
Sesso: Maschile
04/11/2017 23:07

E le Salamandre? Maledetti... le Salamandre dove sono?


Associazione Ludico-Culturale "The Game's Rebels" - Castel Rozzone (BG)

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
05/11/2017 11:53

CesareBorgia, 04/11/2017 23.07:

E le Salamandre? Maledetti... le Salamandre dove sono?



Forces of nature, dove sono sempre state no?
Post: 5.481
Età: 47
Sesso: Maschile
05/11/2017 14:35

No, parlo dell'esercito delle Salamandre, gli uomini lucertola Mantic...


Associazione Ludico-Culturale "The Game's Rebels" - Castel Rozzone (BG)

Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
05/11/2017 20:33

CesareBorgia, 05/11/2017 14.35:

No, parlo dell'esercito delle Salamandre, gli uomini lucertola Mantic...



Forces of nature, non fanno abbastanza modelli per una banda da sola... Come modelli fanno solo un tipo di truppa ed un tipo di eroe.
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
13/11/2017 18:21

ho letto il regolamento "alpha" e devo dire che pare proprio l'insieme di Deadzone & The walking dead.
Non è male e sembra promettente tra gli elementi di spicco ci sono:
> dadi potenza di tre colori differenti (deboli, medi e forti) che permettono di fare azioni extra (3 al posto di 2 oppure 1 corta ed 1 lunga), azioni di gruppo (fino a 3 modelli) o attivare poteri particolari
> dado 8 al posto del dado 6, con un 8 è un successo automatico più lancia un altro dado (all'infinito come Dreadball) mentre un 1 è sempre un fallimento
> di base sei sempre in copertura, se ti vedo tutta la basetta ho un bonus per farti male

tra le idee che mi sembrano interessanti devo dire che c'è soprattutto il fatto che per uscire dal tavolo quando stai scappando devi rifare un test morale.
Purtroppo nelle alpha non ci sono ancora tutte le fazioni ma solo alcune, inoltre non ci sono gli equipaggiamenti aggiuntivi che invece ci saranno nel gioco completo.
Post: 6.027
Età: 45
Sesso: Maschile
12/02/2018 20:06

Per chi fosse interessato questo è il link dove trovare le regole beta per giocare (con tutte le fazioni o quasi):

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