Strike Hex

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00sabato 4 ottobre 2014 14:50
finalmente svelato l'arcano! Dopo giorni che scandaglio il forum Mantic e il blog dell'autore in cerca di risposta al dubbio topico: posso "bloccare" il tiro a canestro mettendo un giocatore sopra l'esagono di strike?

La risposta è "puoi metterti sopra l'esagono ma non blocchi il tiro e non dai nessun malus! Anzi se il tiro manca il canestro si rifà il tiro di dadi per vedere se colpisce il modello sopra l'esagono, il quale se non viene buttato a terra può cercare di raccogliere la palla come tiro innacurato".

tanto è vero che nelle FAQ c'è questo esempio:

Q: Can I have a friendly player on a Strike Hex when I Throw the ball at it? If so, what happens if the Strike attempt is missed? Can that player try to catch the ball (as an inaccurate Throw)?

A:*Yes. A friend facing the wrong way will be struck as if he was an opponent. A friend facing the Thrower must make an attempt to catch the inaccurate Throw.
D:*An intriguing conundrum here, and not explicitly covered in the rules. The ruling is based on the following logic. Firstly, you can choose to target the Strike Hex or an opposing player if they share the same space, so it would seem strange if you could not differentiate between friend and Strike Hex. So yes you can choose to either pass to your team mate or try for the points. In fact, you*must*make that choice as you can't do both at once. And yes, there will be times when you do want to Throw the ball to your friend rather than at the Strike Hex.
If you score then all is well and the game continues as normal.
If you miss then an opponent would be struck. This should also apply to a friend who does not have the Throwing player in his front arc. He cannot see the ball coming to avoid it - even if he knows it's on its way.*
If the ball misses the Strike Target and the friendly player on that hex is facing the Thrower then they*must*try to catch the ball (as an inaccurate Throw). This is the closest to the normal rule. Essentially you have to decide whether it should be more like a attack or a poor pass, and given that all DreadBall players have linked headset comms built into their helmets it seems reasonable to assume that a friendly player facing the right way will know what's coming.*
I wouldn't expect to see this happen much as it costs an action to get the player onto the Strike Hex on top of everything else and he only has a marginal chance to catch the ball. However, some folk are bound to try it**

Quindi mettere un amico sopra l'esagono di strike avversario per cercare di recuperare la palla che ha mancato l'obbiettivo è valido e permetterebbe anche di continuare il gioco... Certo devi avere "striker" e magari qualche dado coach da parte altrimenti è impossibile raccogliere la palla [SM=g27990]
00sabato 4 ottobre 2014 20:13
Cazzo se cambiano le cose però.... il gioco diventa decisamente più fluido e soprattutto se non hai guardie puoi comunque tirare e non puoi fare melina bloccano le caselle...

Ed anche l'abilità dei grigi diventa sensata ora.


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